‘Black Dragon’ a leading and professionally managed quality security services provider, catering to the service requirements of different institutions, industrial concerns/ hotel etc.

It is vital to understand the importance of the word ‘security’ in itself. Security means safety/ prevention/ defense and is of prime importance to any and every organization. One must understand that effective security/ security personnel are of prime importance and play a major role in day to day running of every organization. Therefore, a very comprehensive training programme is essential for the security personnel.

  • Industrial security / Hotel Security is a preventive programme- prevention of the hazards that can hurt, injure or destroy lives and property. As it is rightly said prevention is better than cure, it is for these purposes alone, security measures are so crucial and important.
  • Everyday there are new challenges, different situations, unexpected developments taking place that are just unpredictable but its only through constant vigilance, proper planning, unfailing presence of mind that quick and prompt actions are taken to tackle these unforeseen events.
  • Familiar but not friendly:

Friendship is one of the finest traits of human character and it is this goodness which is exploited by immoral/ corrupt people. Security personnel should understand that being familiar or to know the staff/ guest/ visitor is different from being friendly with them. It is this friendliness that can land you in trouble. There is a certain discipline and decorum to maintained by the security staff and they need to stand for it always.

  • Constant vigilance: the security staff should always be watchful of every movement, be it staff/ employees, guests/ visitors, material, movement of people in and around the premises and in case of any suspicion report immediately to security manger / senior staff.
  • Never leave any security post unmanned.
  • Avoid creating scenes when on duty. There can be numerous unhealthy situations occurring with the staff/guests or with each other or even among the staff, as far as possible try to avoid such scenes. Use of abusive language, fights, quarrel will only create unrest among each other or anybody else hampering the working environment and giving a bad name/image to the organization. Each and every situation can be tackled politely/calmly.
  • Always remain deployed at the position / post assigned unless instructed by the reporting officer/ manager.
  • If posted at the staff entry/exit point (as per the organization’s policy) the security check should always be thorough, body check, frisking, whether it is the bag they are carrying, in case they are carrying something additional entry to made for the same etc. always be firm but polite when on duty.
  • Patrolling is very crucial and essential for effective security. Always keep your eyes and ears open when on patrolling duty. Even a small thing like a burning cigarette bud can cause a major fire. Guards patrolling the parking areas to check each and every car is parked properly and locked. Guide the staff/employees with proper instructions/indication to park their respective vehicles. Check they are locked. For the valet drivers, they should park the cars properly, lock them and do not touch anything lying/ kept in the vehicle.
  • In case of any visitor/guest, their entry to be made only from the gate permitted for them. Proper entry to be made in the visitor’s log book, no. of visitors, purpose, to whom have they come meet, from which department, issuing of visitor’s pass etc. Also prior information to be given at the reception on the guest/visitor. Ensure visitors do not enter the restricted areas.
  • Customer care:
  • It is very important to note that a guest/visitor, staff, employees all are treated with politeness and humbleness. Always understand and appreciate their stand-point, their likes, dislikes, temper. Whether it’s the staff or guests, always deal with them in a pleasing manner without causing any offense to them.
  • Always use good words.
  • Greet the staff, guests.by wishing them good morning(or whatever part of the day it is), have a nice day, goodnight, do visit us again etc. with a smile!
  • Guide the guest or any staff in case they are new or unaware of premises or where they suppose to go.
  • Everything said and done the most important to remember is be to ‘honest’. Honest to your self, to your duty, to the organization working for. Being security personnel honesty is above all and unless you are true to yourself, to your duty and to your job, nothing can be achieved. You fail as a security person. Its only if you are true to yourself and job that you are respected and honoured as a security man.
  • Personal grooming is also an integral part of your duty. Always ensure that you are well turned out. The uniform should be neat and clean, ironed. The shoes should always be polished, socks to be changed everyday, a short hair-cut, daily bath, nails trimmed, smell fresh, belt, tie, badges, cap etc in place, your I-card and name plate to be displayed and in proper condition.

Always stand in the right posture, your movement, your posture, your conduct can depict the alertness in you. Your salutes, marching etc should be well practiced.

Feel proud and honest to your uniform and to your duty. Personal grooming is so important because as a security person, you are not only performing your duty but carrying the image of the organization you are working for.

  • Have a cordial relation with your fellow security persons, motivate, help and initiate the sense of belonging to your working area, to your job and to your self.
  • Know the organization:

-It is so important to the know organization you are working for. You should know the name and designation of the senior managers, you should be able to recognize them. Get yourself to know about the various departments, their location, (in case of hotel) name of restaurants, banquets, halls, their location. Location of the emergency entry/exit points.

-Learn all the important telephone extension nos. Ensure the telephones are in proper working condition in the security cabins or your position of deployment (if there are any). In case not working properly report immediately for repair/replacement.

  • Check for any security equipment (if using any) like metal detectors, search- lights, walk through/door frame metal detectors, under vehicle search trolley mirror, etc are in proper working condition and if not report to the concerned.
  • In case the post of duty in on material gate, proper check of material movement to done, check for the material gate pass with duly authorized signatures, physical check on the quantity etc.
  • In case of contractor movement, proper frisking to be done, entry to be made in the logbook mentioning the purpose for the visit, contractor pass to be issued, etc.
  • All the security personnel should ensure that the area around them when on duty should remain clean, inform the housekeeping department if something is to be cleaned etc.
  • The security staff on night duty should always ensure a proper check whenever on patrol duty, check for the fire systems, always be vigilant, keep an eye on the night staff, if duty on different floors/ area check the area if free from fire hazards as early detection can save from a major mis happening. Whenever there is a doubt or you feel some suspicion do report the matter to your seniors.
  • While on duty, you find any unidentified object/parcel lying immediately report the matter to your seniors and do not let staff get near the object.

Fire Fighting

A fire regardless of how small can cause a tremendous disaster, so the management and the security staff should always ensure:

  • Safety rules and regulations are followed and observed always.
  • Fire hazards are removed even something small like a piece of paper lying on the floor, or a burning cigarette bud etc.
  • Whenever on duty check the fire equipment are in proper condition, if not inform the concerned.
  • Have a thorough knowledge on where all are the fire systems, like fire alarm, hose-pipe, hose-reel are installed and their working/use. Where all are the fire exits, fire-drills to be attended whenever taking place.
  • In case you detect fire immediately inform the seniors on the exact location and nature of fire.

Extinguishing fire:

In case of a fire, its important the determine the ‘type’ or the ‘class’ of fire. Broadly fire can be classified into four classes and there are different extinguishing for each class.

Class A:

These fires involve the burning of normal combustible materials such as wood, paper, cloth etc. normally such fires are extinguished by cooling the material below the combustion accomplished by water. A pressurized water extinguisher or soda acid extinguisher can be used safely.

Class B:

Such fires involve flammable or combustible liquids, flammable gases, greases and similar material. Water can’t be used a fire as it would tend to spread the fire. A smothering action is required to extinguish a class B fire by using a carbon dioxide or dry chemical can be used. Foam type of extinguisher is used on oil fires

Class C:

This class of fire is involves energized electred equipment. Water cannot be used on such a fire as it can cause a severe electric shock as water is a good conductor of electricity, so carbon dioxide or dry chemical can be used.

Note: HALON type of a fire extinguisher which is inert gas delivered under pressure available as installed cants and nozzles or portable fire extinguisher is non-toxic and can be used on all the above classes i.e. class A,B, and C fires.

Class D:

This class of fire involves combustible material like titanium or magnesium and a special chemical powder is used to extinguish this class of fire.

Finally, as a security staff you are to protect and conserve the organization’s property and prevent pilferage. You are to protect the employees, visitors, and their property. To prevent any action or situation that can cause injury or death and to provide highest quality and standards of security services.

A fire regardless of how small can cause a tremendous disaster, so the management and the security staff should always ensure:

  • Safety rules and regulations are followed and observed always.
  • Fire hazards are removed even something small like a piece of paper lying on the floor, or a burning cigarette bud etc.
  • Whenever on duty check the fire equipment are in proper condition, if not inform the concerned.
  • Have a thorough knowledge on where all are the fire systems, like fire alarm, hose-pipe, hose-reel are installed and their working/use. Where all are the fire exits, fire-drills to be attended whenever taking place.
  • Incase you detect fire immediately inform the seniors on the exact location and nature of fire.

Extinguishing fire:

Incase of a fire, its important the determine the ‘type’ or the ‘class’ of fire. Broadly fire can be classified into four classes and there are different extinguishing for each class.

Class A:

These fires involve the burning of normal combustible materials such as wood, paper, cloth etc. normally such fires are extinguished by cooling the material below the combustion accomplished by water. A pressurized water extinguisher or soda acid extinguisher can be used safely.

Class B:

Such fires involve flammable or combustible liquids, flammable gases, greases and similar material. Water can’t be used a fire as it would tend to spread the fire. A smothering action is required to extinguish a class B fire by using a carbon dioxide or dry chemical can be used. Foam type of extinguisher is used on oil fires

Class C:

This class of fire is involves energized electred equipment. Water cannot be used on such a fire as it can cause a severe electric shock as water is a good conductor of electricity, so carbon dioxide or dry chemical can be used.

Note: HALON type of a fire extinguisher which is inert gas delivered under pressure available as installed cants and nozzles or portable fire extinguisher is non-toxic and can be used on all the above classes i.e. class A,B, and C fires.

Class D:

This class of fire involves combustible material like titanium or magnesium and a special chemical powder is used to extinguish this class of fire.

Finally, as a security staff you are to protect and conserve the organization’s property and prevent pilferage. You are to protect the employees, visitors, and their property. To prevent any action or situation that can cause injury or death and to provide highest quality and standards of security services.

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